News & Media

Knife crime expert praises Idris Elba whilst giving caution to one of his suggestions

Att10tive launches MyLuton video project competition

Att10tive celebrates Luton’s Social Justice Unit’s £1.89 million award to continue the work

Bedfordshire partnership works to break down barriers between young people and the police

Att10tive delivers its 100th workshop to Luton schools and colleges

Holding police to account – Luton campaigner sets out national guidelines for scrutiny of forces

Pockets of good practice – Independent scrutiny panel for Beds, Herts, and Cambs highlights successes

Barnfield College, Putteridge High School and Att10tive collaborate on schools Diversity vid

Att10tive gets an inspirational media professional as the new chairperson

Luton MPs and deputy mayor join in Att10tive youth ambassador celebrations

“The youth ambassadors are not only the future of our town but they are the present”

First wave of anti-knife crime workshops rolled out at Luton Sixth Form College

The schemes begins in the wake of a multiple fatal stabbings in the town this year

Anti knife crime art display

Att10tive Social Enterprise has been working Luton groups to come together and make anti knife crime art display.

Get involved with One Luton

One Luton, a project that celebrates the diversity of the town, is looking for people to get involved.

Stop & think Exhibition

Chief Constable is guest of honour at Stop & Think exhibition in Luton.


Att10tive will run interactive workshops for young people, organisations and businesses to learn about attitudes, beliefs and behaviours.

Scrutiny panel needs…

Bedfordshire’s stop and search community scrutiny panel is looking for more members to help police the police.

Walking the line between being a critic and a friend

The Bedfordshire Police stop and search panel has been highlighted as one of the most effective in the country.

Community Led Local Development Programme

Community Led Local Development (CLLD) is a European funded programme which supports schemes to improve the lives of Luton residents.

New community panel scrutinises police use of force

The panel is believed to be the first of its kind in the country and uses a ‘traffic light’ grading system to provide “unprecedented external oversight” of officers’ actions